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GDPR and Data Protection

A successful HR document management strategy will safeguard sensitive data, enhance administrative efficiency, and protect your business from risk.

Find out about our GDPR and Data Protection service

GDPR and Data Protection

HR documentation is the written record of employment events. Usually, an organisation will hold a file for each individual employee, made up of government and legally mandated documents, documents required by company policy, and both formal and informal notes of employment incidents.

Types of documentation

Organisations will retain a variety of HR documentation including personal data about each employee, as well as copies of key policies, procedures and records relating to employee recruitment, induction, health, sickness, absence, conduct and performance.

Important HR documentation may include: -

  • Application and interview records
  • Appropriate evidence of each employee’s legal right to work in the UK
  • Terms and conditions of employment (the employment contract)
  • Job descriptions
  • Induction paperwork
  • Medical records
  • Sickness and absence records
  • Health and safety information
  • Employee Appraisals
  • Exit processes

In line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), all HR documentation should be stored securely and handled with care. Employers should also maintain a GDPR policy, detailing how the organisation collects, processes, transfers, stores, and disposes of personal data, as required by the UK GDPR.

Why do businesses need this documentation?

HR documents play an important role, regardless of whether they’re related to administrative issues, or legal issues.

HR documentation will evidence that your organisation is legally compliant and is acting in line with relevant policies and procedures. It acts as proof of all activities related to employees within your business.

Documentation of employee events, whether positive or negative, must be maintained because they may come in handy in the future.

Who is responsible for data protection?

In most organisations, one individual, or a restricted group of individuals will be identified as being responsible for document control and data protection. It is down to each business to decide who will be responsible for employee data and who will have access to it.

Each organisation should appoint one overarching Data Protection Contact, who shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of GDPR policies and any other applicable data protection legislation. 

How Stallard Kane Can Help

As a Stallard Kane customer, you will receive regular communication and we will keep you updated with regards to any necessary changes in HR legislation, either in person as part of your contracted audits and site meetings, or in our regular news updates on our website or via email. We can also assist with the development of GDPR policies and procedures.

"Stallard Kane have worked with Cover Structure for many, many years, both on HR and health and safety. We are a very busy company and many, many times have asked Stallard Kane for their help and advice at a moment’s notice. They have never failed to deliver with a smile on their face. With regards to health and safety, the site audits they carry out for us work well in keeping us and our clients focused on our responsibilities regarding health and safety. For the last four years, CSL have been accredited with Achilles Building Confidence and take great comfort in knowing that SKA will be by our side on audit day. The annual visits to our premises in Leeds again are beneficial, and we embrace the advice given by both HR and health and safety representatives from SKA."
Cover Structure
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